No Greater Love Than This
Whether the needs are physical (food, clothing, or health), financial, (rent assistance, utilities, prescriptions, temporary hotel stay, or job ministries), spiritual (counseling, prayer, or church connections), Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries recognizes our clients are children of God and seeks to get them back on their feet and to give them hope and dignity in the midst of their crisis.
The focus of many of our programs is to help people get back to work and get finances under control. We coordinate the generosity and service of our community to assist our neighbors when they are in need.
When they need you the most …
Kindness changes lives and changing lives changes the world. We start with our neighbors. Neighbors helping neighbors is the cornerstone of community. We are told we live in a divided country and world, but that divide is crossed when we help one another. Everything else falls away and only the bond created by love and kindness remains.
There is no greater love than when one person lays down their life for another, the Bible tells us. We often think of that in terms of dying for someone, but it also includes how we live. We lay down our lives when we put aside our differences because our neighbor needs a helping hand or because their children do. We lay down our lives when we donate money, when we volunteer, or when we make a small gesture in order to make someone else’s life better. Any time we make a sacrifice for someone else’s needs, there is no greater love than this.
It Matters …
Each time you help, give, or volunteer, it makes a difference. You may not realize the food you help stock or distribute, the resume you help create, the child you play with while their parents seek assistance, or the person you pray with in their time of need changes everything in someone’s world or in the lives of an entire family.
Christ loves us and we want people in crisis, our neighbors, your neighbors, to know Christ loves them and they are not alone.
No Greater Love Than This
Immediate Needs

Our Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10am to 2pm
Tuesdays from 4pm to 7pm
Saturday: Closed
Monday - Friday from 9am to 4pm
Tuesdays from 9am to 7pm
Saturdays: Closed